8 Content Marketing Tips for SaaS Companies

Growing your SaaS organically is no easy feat, and marketing plays an essential part in it. But
what it does is establish you as an authority on the market. That increases sales because you
attract more prospective buyers interested in your products and services.

Let’s say you have a SaaS company in Cincinnati and are looking to overhaul your content
marketing strategy. If you’re looking for an expert opinion, consider hiring a local Cincinnati
digital marketing agency

Until you find the right partners, consider the following steps to bring out the best in your
content and position your brand at the top. You will learn what you need to build a strong SaaS
content strategy to increase conversion and grow your audience.

What Is Content Marketing for SaaS?

The SaaS marketing game needs strong content creation, delivery, and measurement
strategies. It also includes setting essential goals and using data as a basis for content

Regular content marketing, for online businesses, for example, is more basic, including
copywriting, landing pages, social media posting, and blogging. Can you see the differences

SaaS-centric content marketing helps you better connect with your target audience. As a result,
you build better market credibility and brand awareness.

Basically, you become an authority in your niche. These steps translate to improvements in
organic search rankings, lead generation, and qualified traffic, which are key performance
indicators for your product.

Content marketing for SaaS is different from marketing in other areas because:

  • You’re selling a product that is both software and a subscription service
  • Content should educate and convince prospective buyers
  • Marketing strategies should concentrate on user retention and acquisition
  • SEO is essential to your strategy because most people search for things through Google
  • User acquisition is based on product quality and content value.

Why Is Content Marketing Vital for SaaS Companies?

SaaS companies use content in their marketing strategy to better position themselves in the
market. For better authority and credibility, they offer audiences insightful, educational, and
helpful resources.

Companies need marketing to grow naturally, and SaaS businesses are no exceptions. They are
unique in the sense that they cater to audiences willing to grow and educate themselves.

What SaaS content marketing must do is educate the audience and sell clients a product plus
the support behind it.

Effective content marketing leads to conversion. Otherwise said, an investment from the client
who buys your product. You need a strong content strategy to increase your audience and
customer ranks.

How To Create Powerful Content Marketing Strategies for SaaS Companies

Let’s see how you can work on your SaaS content strategy to create a successful campaign with
the desired results. Start with an up-to-date website, a good content marketing team, and
some tools (Google Analytics and SEO solutions).

1. Build the Right SaaS Content Team

It all starts with the professionals working in the content marketing department. Build a
powerful content team capable of building the right strategy for success. It should include the
following roles:

  • Strategist – he manages the content playbook and creates audience personas, style
    guidelines, content audits, and competitor research.
  • Writer – the creator who works on blog content, landing pages, long-form, and short-
    form copy, newsletters, or lead magnets. All written content can go through them if
    your content marketing department structure permits it.
  • Editor – works closely with writers, designers, and strategists to polish and ensure
    content is up to par.
  • Designer – takes care of visuals that help your SaaS product stand out. He brings
    infographics and visual assets to life.
  • Marketer – promotes content across all media channels to increase brand visibility,
    acquire backlinks, and drive traffic.
  • SEO – he makes sure your content ranks up by conducting keyword research and audits.
  • Marketing project manager – overviews the entire department, coordinates, and
    ensures the whole team is on the same page with strategy and direction.

2. Define a Target Audience for Your Product

Focused marketing campaigns rely on identifying a target audience. You can start with a simple
list of questions. For example:

  • Is your buyer a consumer or business client?
  • What is their age?
  • What gender are they?
  • What income level do they have?
  • What industry are they in?
  • What websites do they spend time on?
  • What other brands do they use?
  • What social media channels do they use?
  • What pain points are they trying to solve?

When you define your target audience characteristics, use that data to make a profile. Give it a
face and a name you can easily use during brainstorming and strategy planning.
You can have more than one buyer persona. Just try not to go overboard and build too many. It
will make it harder for you to concentrate your marketing efforts on the ones that sell best.

3. Find Pain Points

Advance to finding their pain points and the things that
motivate their buying actions. Knowing this will help you better build your marketing strategy.
Start by going through the niche market experience to practice the steps that lead from interest
to purchase.

Try out a customer map that traces the steps buyers take before a purchase.

Find the problems customers can find at each step of this journey. Then, use marketing
outreach to address the pain points you found. Some common pain points include:

  • Emotional pains – frustration over a current product and its user experience
  • Labor pains – excessive work needed to use a SaaS product
  • Financial pains – high expenses or low revenues
  • Time management – wasted time and inefficiency
  • Technical pains – lack of integration between SaaS products and apps
  • Learning curve – lack of training support
  • Customer service – poor performance.

You can work with these classifications or find special categories of pain points relevant to your
industry. Integrate them into your marketing campaign and your sales materials.

4. Do Keyword Research

Your customer may look for the information they need by using different keywords at each
stage of their buying process. For example, they may start by looking at “how to” solve an issue,
then after discovering your brand, they may search for reviews.

After making the purchase, they may be interested in how to set up an app or product. When
encountering problems, they could look for solutions. By finding the right keywords for each
stage of your buyer’s journey, you can produce the helpful content they need.

Use the right tools to find the appropriate keywords with the highest chance of success. Some
examples are:

  • Google Keyword Planner
  • Ahrefs
  • SEMrush
  • Moz

5. Establish Campaign Goals and Metrics

Before going for content, make a plan. Set measurable goals for your campaigns to align them
with your goals. By extension, you’ll better evaluate campaign performance.

Every marketing campaign has some key performance indicators (KPIs). They may be the
number of unique visitors on your website or landing pages, the bounce rate, or the session
duration. Here are some SaaS-specific marketing metrics:

  • Free trial sign-ups
  • Demo requests
  • Customer acquisition cost
  • Lead conversion rate.

6. Audit Your Current Content

With your goals in place, you can investigate your existing content and find soft spots to build
up. Audit the content on your blog and see how helpful it is to your goals. Then, organize and
tag it using tools like SEMrush Content Audit to fast forward the process.

Next, you should evaluate how successful your content is. Consider metrics like inbound links,
Google rankings for relevant keywords, bounce rates, social shares, and organic traffic. Analyze
the data to find patterns and soft spots.

The final step of this process is to decide whether to keep your content, update, or delete it.

7. Build a Content Production Procedure

After a good brainstorming session or two, you’ll come up with some great new content ideas.
Build an effective content funnel by creating content for each stage. These are the stages for a
basic funnel: Awareness, Interest, Consideration, and Conversion.

Find some core topics and explore them further and further. It will help you become an
authority on the matter. You can better understand customer questions so you can organically
build based on some core keywords.

Focus more on quality and less on quantity. Quality is essential to organic traffic. You can
do it by focusing on the following:

  • Provide relevant, practical, useful, and original information
  • Keep authenticity in the content you create
  • Focus on comprehensive content by answering all the questions you can think of
  • Provide a great user experience

8. Create a Distribution Strategy

Build a smart content distribution strategy to increase customer acquisition and retention.
Before creating the material, think about how it will be promoted. The following are some
common ways to distribute content:

  • Owned channels – they belong to your business. They can be blogs, podcasts, social
    media, mailing lists, etc. You can post as much as you want.

  • Shared and earned channels – they’re owned by third parties: news channels, other
    blogs, forums, review sites, etc. You can post on them, but you don’t own that content

  • Paid channels – influencers or platforms that promote your product for a fee.
    Because each of these channels has its own best practices, your content must be adjusted
    before being used. When you get it right, your content goes viral, gets impressions, and
    becomes a success. When you don’t get it right, it doesn’t get noticed.


When working on content marketing for SaaS companies, you must focus on what your
audience wants and needs.

Focus on high-quality content rather than high-quantity content, and make a point of mapping
the customer journey.

With a little focus and brainstorming, your content strategy can conquer the greatest issues
facing the sector, from the complexity of solutions to lengthier purchase cycles and a critical
need for education.



by Frank Garnett
Frank is a digital marketing blogger and technology enthusiast. He picked his first
computer at the age of five and hasn’t stopped exploring the internet and writing about it ever